Monday, March 22, 2010

The Lion City

Now I understand how it feels to anticipate holidays. Two weeks of semester break may sound a tad brief, but idling aimlessly at home isn't at all a good solution to prove myself of being productive. And finally, the babe and I had decided on a one fine night to visit Universal Studio in Singaland since everyone had been talking much about it.

So yeah, the many people whom I wanna thank. Vincent would be the first in line cuz he made everything possible for us. Thanks a million for queuing and squeezing through the crowd early morning to get the tickets. It wasn't easy because I actually wasted Rm5 calling up Resort World to book the tickets but was put on hold for the longest time ever and the website was massive jammed up for bookings. So thank you Vincent! He had to pass me the tickets through Erin. Thanks babe for taking the effort to run home and get the tickets when you forgot to bring them out. Lovesss. A couple of days before the trip, my dearest angel, Pauling offered to host us at her house. I was more than just being appreciative, but really grateful for such a kind offer. Thanksss girl. Lovesss. And what surprised me even more was that morning before leaving, I received a text from her saying her sis had booked us a hotel. My heart leaped a beat reading that message. Too much of awkwardness because her sis actually went to that expense of a hotel. In her message, she reminded me to bring my swimsuit. And being muddle-headed, I'd forgotten to pack it in. See, last minute packing is always so inefficient.
 Us in the bus.

Anyways, I met up Soo at the bus station and we boarded the bus to JB, crossing customs and missed the bus cuz we didn't know that these buses do not wait! We took our own sweet time filling in the immigration forms, only to realize the bus had left us. So we had to wait for the next ride. We arrived at Queen St, somewhere I'm pretty familiar with, and walked down to Bugis to meet up with Pauling at OG. We took a cab to the hotel.
Miss Tan. I always thought she looks gorgeous, no? Even in such random picture.
 Tanned vs. Fair Lady
Check-in @ the reception.
Hotel room. We spent a splendid night on the bed!

The initial plan to meet up Erin, Bee and JC at Clarqe Quay had been changed to Vivo City. The girls wanted to drop by Universal Studio for the fireworks on its grand opening day. The one and only night it was opened to public.
In the SMRT.
Camwhoring. Teeheeee.

Bee waited for us at the Harbour Front Station where we alighted and brought us to Erin and JC. We then took a bus to Sentosa.
Erin  x  JyeChi
 Gossip girls.
Wendy  x  Bee

Had a really good time that night. The fireworks were amazing as though I was hovered by a bliss of fantasy. We returned back to Vivo City for dinner at Sushi Tei.

I think dining in the Lion City can be kinda cheap without conversion. For the amount of food we ordered, each of us paid only $32. A dollar for a dollar. Forget bout the conversion rate.

Soo and I had to hurry back to the hotel cuz the angel was waiting there for us there. We kept her on hold for the whole night and felt really bad about it. And sorry Erin, for the multiple attempts trying to get me to Clarqe Quay and movie. Back in the hotel, we were doing the girls talk. It's cool to get 2 friends who just befriended that evening to talk like besties when night falls. So much about the boyfriends we were talking about. Lovesss. At 1.30am, we got down to the mart to get toothpaste and had our mamak supper. The craziest idea that ever hit our thoughts is going for a swim at freaking 2am. By grace, Pauling brought an extra swimwear for me, so yupz, we dipped into the pool on a cold night where lighting we striking that night. Crazy enough.
The girls were getting sneaky under the pillow.
Cute feet.
Girls are vain. That's true. :p
 The next morning. That's Miss Pau still snuggling under the quilt while we were all prepped up for the day.
Leaving the hotel for US.S.
Roti canai for breakfast.
Taking the same route to Harbour Front. We actually bought the wrong ticket. Instead of buying to Harbour Front, we bought the tickets to Outram where the transit station to Harbour Front is. Too much of the Malaysia's train system, we forgot we can buy a direct ticket there.

So that's the end of my wonderful journey. Class starts today. So, goodbye holidays! Back to my busy schedule again. D=

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