Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Post-call Christmas Dine-out

20th December 2011

Had a fantabulous advanced Christmas dine-out with Aliyaa and Zakaria @ Landmark Hotel since we were all too free that night. Not to mention free actually cuz I had a rocky call the previous night, where I had alternating delivery and admission to attend to. Wheewww~ and to my motion fatigue, I could hardly keep myself awake the following day.

Anyways, it was cool to hang out with Aliyaa and Zac. Like a getting-to-know-one-another session and certainly, I'm much happier now with work. At least, I don't feel so foreign in the hospital and also among my colleagues when I know I'm not at all an introvert. Pardon me, I'm always this slow in adapting to changes. Well, everything is going fine at the moment and I'm enjoying the company of my colleagues be it at work or after work.

Hello, meet my colleagues. Aliyaa and Zakaria.
It was a feast, so we had to eat this much.

Monday, December 19, 2011

Christmas Came Early

Hello! It's Christmas time again! A season that was and is still filled with parties and gathering. I can't be more grateful to have a bunch of crazy buddies whom I grew up with since primary school. I don't remember the last time I celebrated Christmas with them cuz it'd been such a long while since I last stayed in BP for this celebration. So, our usual hangout place @ Erin's crib where she invited a troupe of carolers to spice up our night with a joyous carols. Nothing beats chilling out amongst the busy work load I'm having and definitely worth staying up till 2 in the morning when I was on-call the following day. And even more awesome, the party continued the day after when I was on a post-call mood. Totally zombified with only 8 hours of sleep in 3 days, yet I wished time would freeze and never trickle.

Awwww... see those cute lil' angels.
Our second round of night together... and the party continued. Erin made us super yummilicious nachos and penne pasta with gigantic prawns. I can't stop craving for more of such perfect combination! :D and momma's Hokkaido cupcake.
Can't wait for my 3-days break to come!! :D

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Part of a fool

Christmas is just around the corner! It's a season I ought be excited about like I always do, but I'm feeling rather apathy this year though we're just two weeks near Christmas! Maybe it's due to work, or maybe.. God knows what. There's always a part of the past that keeps trailing my memories no matter how hard I try to dismiss it from my frontal lobe. Funny how I really wished to watch the meteor shower with him and funny how I remember every detail of our conversation. Funny how I thought about him every time I hear Miranda Cosgrove's voice on the stereo. Well, someday all of these have to go... And yeah, time to push myself into a Christmassy mood again! :D This year with an extra member! So, my life's all about work and Shannon now... How lovely! Thank God for her.

Disturbing sleepy Shannon after work. Love from beloved yiyi~