Sunday, March 28, 2010

BBQ after a hiatus

Saturday, a slacking one though. My day practically started at 11.30am by the time I was awake. Then Bing and I made up our minds to go for another movie in the afternoon, 'The Lovely Bones' which rimmed our eyes with tears towards the ending part. Quite a nice plot but I found it a little draggy. And that was my idea of heaven after the movie. It's gonna be a movie marathon weekend. We're going for 'Alice in the Wonderland' tomorrow! Loving it so.

The housemates decided to have a little BBQ party at night to welcome Carol home. So was helping out a bit with the cutting job, as always. That's the best task I'm good at. Wootz. But we had Tiang Hui and Eric who prepared most the stuff. The yummilicious homemade spaghetti was beyond description. The last time I tasted such scrumptious pasta was more than a year ago in Manipal. Oh at least I whipped up the salad which I think was aperitive after squeezing lotsa lime in.

Carol and Eric.
And playing with the jelly lenses. There's supposed to be a heart shaped effect in the center. But it isn't obvious in here. Pictures taken with the lenses are not edited. Anyways, that's our sexxxyyy Carol!!
Bing!! I think I'm a pro photographer in capturing angles now. She's gorgeous, isn't she?
Told ya! I'm good at it. *proud of self* My abso cute babe.
Ok, this is how homey I look without makeup.
Had too much of these. I'm so gonna lose my voice tomorrow! 
CuGuan x Bing x Eric x ???
My dearest. She insisted to be slightly backward so that my face'll look fatter. See, she did it! Geessshhhh!!
 With Eric
My favorite sausages. I was munching them the whole night. Did I even consume a dozen of them? I guess so. :p This is after 2 cans of 5% alcohol, I'm looking so. It's always so after some booster. Even I have no idea why.

So good night! I'm feeling all nauseated now. Shuccxxx.. too much of sausages.

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