Thursday, March 11, 2010

Dental Care

I'm someone who will do anything just to escape a dental or medical appointment. Yes, and I call myself a doctor wannabe, I'm actually scared of such dates. Shame on me. There was once during last September, my mom booked me a date with the dentist that made me went insomniac the night before. The next day, I had to beg her to cancel it and in exchange, I'd clean the house for her. I get fearful of painful procedures like that.

Today I finally embraced my courage which I assumed it to be a tiny as a mustard seed and dared myself to step in the dental clinic. I did it! The doctor was complaining about my gums. They bleed easily. So she suggested a course of treatment which I agreed to, not because I was vain, health conscious more like it. I didn't want myself to suffer a hypovolemic shock at the end of the day. She anaesthesized my gums at eight different sites. Those jabs were painful, I nearly screamed my vocals out. I felt my lips losing sensation, muscles tighten and hands squeezed as she scaled really deep in. At that moment, I thought I've been sent right up to heaven. It was a bad experience I reckoned I did not regret missing my appointments before this. In between, she leveled up the back rest and told me to gargle. I never felt so disabled with a pair of numbed lips. The water was leaking from the angle of my mouth and I wasn't able to comprehend if those lips were approximated. After the procedure, the doctor had me gargled the hyaluronic solution and stuffed some collagen fibers in between the gums. She prescribed me 10 bottles of gargles, 5ml QID before I paid and left. And guess what? The bill summed up to Rm525! I should have become a dentist, no?

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