Monday, August 27, 2012


Not exactly something to be proud of, but yeah, I made it through! (:

Dr. Wendy Ter Zu Wei

Saturday, August 18, 2012

Hanging by the moment

Honestly, I've never been through a posting where I can't wait to leave and move on to the next. It is this bad, I tell you. During those rough few week of tagging, I would cry my heart out once behind my room's door. When the bf was around, I would be hiding under the blanket or in the toilet just to have a release. It was truly a pathetic sight to be alternating between self-pity, anger and hopelessness. So much of negative feelings in me that I do not even know how to express it at times. It is as though none of the people around me understands what and why I am actually feeling so stressed out. Sometimes I don't even bother explaining. 'What doesn't kill you makes you stronger.' - one of the songs sung by Kelly Clarkson. And also one of the phrases my bf keeps telling me every time I come back home from work with bouts of tears and rants. I had this habit that whenever I was down, I would ask those who'd been through the same situation as me, 'How do you do it?' A part of my own curiosity to know how people survived the situation. And often at times, there wasn't one fixed answer or solution. I stopped asking that now. When you're at the edge and wonder how you should go through, you simply do as you must and go through it because you have to. It's such a burden to carry these feeling for another three long months, but hopefully, I'll turn out just fine.