Thursday, January 24, 2013

Year One

It was a silent prayer that got answered.

A year has gone. A relationship that I'd never imagined would end up like this. God must have been really awesome. From a point where I have no idea where this will go and and decided to take a leap of faith, well, I'm the luckiest woman now. So much have happened within this one year. All the ups and downs that were never documented became a part of the lifelong learning lesson that will always remain in my frontal lobe. We're at two different towns now and certainly, distance and absence are the toughest ordeals to overcome. It's only been four days we were apart, yet it feels like forever. It's often at times like this that I keep reminding myself - 'impossible' is not a word but an excuse for not trying.

Thank God for you. Happy Year-One baby! (: