Monday, September 14, 2009

Up! on a Monday

I was overjoyed when Eunice told me she's back. My best mate since young. We'd been in the same class for 12 long years since kindergarten. She watched me grow from a little kid to who I am now, not just an acquaintance. Eunice could probably write you a whole long list about my personality during the old schooldays. Having her around brought back the sense of familiarity, though we were lost in touch for that 2 and a half years I was in Manipal. One thing we certainly agreed on is that our lives are kinda lifeless at the moment whenever we chattered about our friends. How they get to party at any point of time, travel without time limitation, etc. Alright, I know I should feel nonchalant about this before I get envious any further. *big sigh*

So, we had a date to watch 'Up!' today. Had a short but sweet catch up with her the whole afternoon. The movie was great too. We were all excited the moment we entered the theater for it was all ours! No one else, but us on a Monday! It was cold in there. Was freezing into a block of ice towards the end of the movie when a wee drop of tears which rimmed my eyes warmed me up again. Melted along with this meaningful story, I could say. =)

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