Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Surgery stress

This week is a little too hectic for me, such that all my time has been taken up by studies and work. Perhaps I should put it this way. Since the start of surgery posting, nothing has been going right for me. The stress of being monitored daily by the stern, tall built, elderly gentleman in his 70s, whose hair has turned grey by now, is beyond tolerance. The thought of starting my day with his presence seriously throws me into a cycle of depression. It's already a norm to hear loutish words such as donkeys, idiots, scums, buggers and dungus being yelled into our ears.

I've been working really diligently over the past 2 weeks, to the extent of burning midnight oil almost every night. Too much, I guess. Sleeping at 3am to wrap up my cases and waking up at 6am to catch the bus to Muar hasn't at all been easy. The thick rim of dark circles encircling my eyes certainly made me look like a woman who's two times my actual age. Sounds pathetic, I know. I always thought it's fine to get reprimanded by the lecturers and never thought I would cry over something trivial like this. Yet, I failed to hold back my tears the other day after being corrected in an almost unruly manner, over and over again by the scary professor I was describing about. It was like, everything I said was wrong. We know his temper. He flares it whenever he wants. But well, it's all for the good of us. I can't blame him cuz he successfully forced me to spend more time in reading. The awkward part was everyone in class realized my silent tears and tried comforting me. Passing me tissue, tapping on my shoulder and telling me 'it's ok'. I felt so embarrassed after that and I didn't have any idea how I arrived at that state. He actually made me felt like a numskull.

After the episode of tears and mucous, Juen tried cheering me up and so he said, 'I'll buy you the 50cents egg you like!'. When we go for lunch every afternoon, we'll pass by this stationery shop which has those vending machines where you put in coins and twist for a surprise gift. I'd been eyeing on them for quite some time. Sam got me a 20cent egg during medicine posting and inside was a mini torch light which I used it as my pen torch. This time, Juen gave me 1 dollar and I pick the machine that shows chiwawa dogs and it says, 'change their clothes!'. I like that! Okay. This is what I got in the end!

My Chiwawa dog.

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