Sunday, November 16, 2008

Insight on speech

My days are now meaningfully crammed with daily visitation to the hospital and randomly appointed rural areas.

My previous postings in the department of Paediatrics and O&G had brought me to the attention of many things within these fields. The basic task of clerking a case wasn't as easy as I thought. One of the major barriers that came in between was communication. Speaking the local language here seemed almost impossible to me at first. I struggled with the translation script which I could barely understand a single word when the patients replied to my questions. But slowly I learned. Then there were difficulties in correlating a particular case with my previous knowledge from what I'd learned during the pre-clinical years. I have to awkwardly admit that I have seriously forgotten lots of stuff I learned in the past 2 years. So all the hurdles made history taking a tricky experience for me. But again, I learned.

Upon all the obstacles which I'm bound to face, I find true satisfaction from within. Though I did not understand what the patient was trying to express, I know they on the other hand had lots to tell. There are times when they just went on talking and talking, yet all I could do was went on nodding and nodding. I wished I had the ability to converse better.

So all I'm able to do now is to pick up as many dialects as I can before returning to Malaysia for good. I'm looking forward to a better student-patient relationship because I'd always believed that communication is a strong foundation to making my studies and career more happening.

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