Sunday, June 5, 2011

God never sleeps

I know I'm praying when my mind starts to wander and heart feels insecure. I feel such a shame. How ingloriously have I always been, taking for granted of His love, yet I know I can cast all my cares on Him for He will never abandon me no matter how many times I've failed Him. Do you feel that the Lord has forgotten your need? Yes, I do. Do you question when your prayers are not answered? Yes, I do. Do you blame God when He takes something away from you? Yes, I do.

I'm thankful to people who constantly remind me that God works in ways we cannot see and He does things in His timing. God's delay is not God's denial and every time I pray, I know the answer is on its way. Our God is able. He is mighty. He is faithful. And He never sleeps, He never slumbers. He never tires of hearing our prayer. When we are weak He becomes stronger. So rest in His love and cast all of your cares on Him.

I'm sorry Lord for being so eager at times. Please, teach me to be more patient.

1 comment:

  1. you post this time is so relevant to me. Jia you wendy!!
