Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Sern Wang & Eik Hien's Wedding

The eldest grandson of the 'Lim' family is married! Congratulations to Sernwang kor kor (my second cousin) and his wife! That was one of the best weddings I'd attended with many touchy moments and good time of family gathering. I've always adored church weddings. I was born in a Christian family and was brought up under the teaching of the gospel. It became a very fundamental yearning that someday I'll get a chance to walk down the sanctuary on red carpeted aisle for the Holy Matrimony. I don't know if I'll ever have the chance cuz what happens tomorrow, who will know? Perhaps I will, perhaps I will not. It doesn't really matter when you know the person whom you're marrying to is the one you love, always and forever. It will always be an unceasing prayer to build a household of faith.

Household of Faith
Here we are at the start committing to each other
By His word and from our hearts
We will be a family in a house that will be a home
And with faith we'll build it strong

We'll build a household of faith

That together we can make
And when the strong winds blow it won't fall down
As one in Him we'll grow and the whole world will know
We are a household of faith

Now to be a family we've got to love each other

At any cost unselfishly
And our home must be a place that fully abounds with grace
A reflection of His face
Finally got a chance to wear this dress!
A 'Thank you' speech to the parents that was really touching and cousin was filled with tears even before speaking. Words like 'thank you' and 'I love you' may seem too simply without expressive adjectives, yet they convey everything that has accumulated over the decades that no word can replace such gratitude. None of us could hold back our tears.
Presentation by the 'Lim' sisters - Household of Faith.
Presentation by the IVCC members.
COUSINS. Most respectable senior of the 'Lim' clan, also the bridegroom's father.
Proud of mommy cuz she made those wedding cake. Super yummy fruit cake rich in rum! Proud of myself too cuz I did the decorations for the cake though it was quite substandard. d:
With the bride and bridegroom.
The gorgeous ladies!
See how they have a family look?? Gawjuz enough?? :D
Ah-ping yi, uncle Chinher and Naomi
We're one family!
With the most modern doctor you can find in BP. ♥ San-yi and niece.
We have the same heels from Fiorucci ♥!! Hers is of a crocodile print while mine is white in color.
With the bride and bridegroom

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