Sunday, August 21, 2011

In You I Trust

For there is no one whom I can cling on to but You, O Lord. You see me through my darkest days and pick me up when I fall. And I know that You are for me. I know that You will never forsake me in weakness. I rest in Your promise to me.

世界不能給我溫暖的時候 我用信心抬起頭
藍天白雲總會再次提醒我 我的天父關心我
生命是祢所造 一切祢明瞭 祢豈會不知道 我此刻需要
有沒有人陪我 不再重要 祢的同在溫暖我
* * *
禱告還沒有蒙垂聽的時候 我用信心抬起頭
藍天白雲總會再次提醒我 神的意念高過我
生命是祢所造一切祢明瞭 祢豈會不知道 我此刻需要
卸下所有重擔完全交托 祢的恩典夠我用 夠我用
* * *
人生旅途走到終點的時候 主啊求祢幫助我
擦乾所有眼淚沒有懼怕 祢的榮光照耀我
渴望聽見祢說 孩子我知道 你用一生愛我 一生榮耀我
雨後的天空有美麗彩虹 我用信心抬起頭


  1. finally u updated ur blog after 358395 years. Seldom in mandarin post le...good passage~!

  2. haha i wished i could live up to that age! been so held up with exams )): that's the lyrics of a hymn my aunt sent to me.. took me some time to read them cuz my chinese is so unpolished. but very meaningful right?
