Sunday, September 26, 2010

The Way We Are

The song by Bruno Mars, Just The Way You Are is playing in my head now. 'When I see your face, there's not a thing that I would change. Cuz you're amazing just the way you are... Oh you know, you know, you know I'd never ask you to change. If perfect is what you're searching for, then just stay the same...'

What an impeccable music to define a person's imperfection perfect. Oh, just how I love it. Life is beautiful as such!

Call me bipolar, I don't care. I know how my mood fluctuates in less than a day, from 0 degree to a total opposite of 180 degrees. For a while it hikes up to the top with an exclamation like Wheee!!! then plunges immediately to the lowest interjection like Sigh!!! Life is like a roller coaster, that explains it. So won't you tell me what's going on inside of me? It's merely another of such ride, isn't it?

Enough of emotions over the past weeks. A word of gratitude to those who had been encouraging and cheering me up, thank you! It's weird that when you are about to give up, there's often a little something which supports and rejuvenates that spirit. I don't know if it's good or bad. Well, let's be more optimistic then. It's an unending list of wishes I wished to abstain from, but somehow I often ended up with none. Like the idea of quitting this blogosphere cuz I found the contents of heart-of-serendipity are getting more and more emotional and boring. My life is so dull currently with nothing else besides stress and strives for studies. Then Karthik left a message praising this blog is awesome! Alright, I am deffo flattered and encouraged and that is what drives me here for another post with a deliberation of cutting off the tension I created previously. Hopefully I'm sounding normal.

I'm feeling less uptight now. Probably because the upcoming semester break which I'm looking forward to will be an awesome one! And the conversation with someone who mattered somehow cheered me up. I don't know. I shouldn't be feeling this when I was already at the verge of forgetting but still, it returned undefended despite the obvious hints that I need to take this off my frontal lobes. Perhaps giving up on something you like or desire is just tough. So then, let nature takes its course. Someday it shall fade because it's not yours. It definitely will(I'm trying hard). I'm happy at the moment and it's time to put on the armor for another two weeks of battlefield. Nothing else should intrude my memory and occupy the space meant for those topics I'd studied till I'm done with exams! (:

Xoxo. Lovesss!


  1. all theee bessst in your finals gal!

  2. thanks boy!! (: i can't send mc off dy. she's leaving on the 12th. i'm leaving on the 11th to tw. i have yet to tell her bout my trip.
