Sunday, July 11, 2010

Belated Birthday on a Night of Eclipse

It was my bad for delaying the lovababe's birthday surprise. Her birthday falls on February the 24th, but due to our busy life, I had it delayed until now. It was always such that we met up at wrong timings or we were too engrossed with updates about the blabs of life. Since we were both back in our little hometown, I thought I should repay what I owed. We made plans for our occasional meet up (which is like a MUST at least once a month) and to pamper the night with sweet romance, we decided to watch The Twilight Saga: Eclipse with Khai Hong.

Earlier that day, I told Mei I'll give her a treat to make up for a belated birthday. And she replied, 'Surprise me!'. Alright, that's something I'm really good at doing, throwing surprises! I decorated some homemade Swiss rolls and merged them into a cake. I know it sounds ridiculous to celebrate someone's birthday this late, but once in an eclipse, all it takes is the measure of an extraordinary to make an event memorable. And I do love this idea!

My little surprise for my lovebabe. Khai Hong's and my own creativity.
 Awww!! Ain't she cute??
Halfway through dinner, we saw our former highschool mates, Hwee Ling and Kai Yee at the other side of the restaurant, like what a coincidence!

Anyways, TLS: Eclipse was quite a disappointment. The three of us were laughing nonchalantly at the dialogues instead of feeling passionate. But I still adore the Cullen clan. All of them look good as ever, especially Edward C. :D What a crave for such kinda guy who's really old school and close to extinction. Whatever may be, the night was great as it is.


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